Thursday, September 27, 2007

The "Block"

When we enter the “block” (that is what Romanians call the rows of apartment buildings that were built during the communist years) it was obvious that the building was run down, neglected. The elevator that we waited for could only fit four people. There was a regular looking metal door that was opened and then inside there was another door. When I stepped into the elevator it dropped a few inches, which alarmed me at first. Pastor Cristi followed us into the elevator closing the outer metal door then the smaller inner door. He pushed the number 4 and away we went. Pastor Cristi and his wife Monica had invited us to their apartment for some Ciorba (typical soup) and fellowship. As we entered the apartment we were greeted by Monica and their two children Cris and Lisa. The small entry way into the apartment is where everyone takes off their shoes. I was unprepared for this custom and wore a pair of shoes without socks. I felt very funny in my bare feet. Monica asked me if I would like to wear a pair of Lisa’s house shoes, I said “sure”…they were too big and when I walked I had to drag my feet so that they wouldn’t fall off. Needless to say I sat a lot of the time. We had a great time getting to know our new friends. I anticipate many more dinners and times of fellowship – the next time I am invited to someone’s home I will be wearing socks!

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