Saturday, March 15, 2008

Below the surface

What lies deep down inside the recesses of our hearts, our minds, our souls? Oswald Chambers writes (referencing Psalm 139), "The psalmist implies - " But, my God my soul has horizons further away than those early mornings, deeper darkness than the nights of earth, higher peaks than any mountain peaks, greater depths than any sea in nature." I love the reference to the horizons of our souls, but it was the reference to the "greater depths than any sea in nature" that has drawn me in. The image of an abyss (a chasm or gorge so deep that its extent is not visible) entered my mind. There are depths in the sea that are not visible, and caverns in the earth that are so deep that they are not reachable. Our souls have deep, dark places - depths that are greater than any sea. As I continue to process this amazing truth, I find myself begging God to enter into the deep, dark depths of my soul. It is in the deep, dark abyss of our souls that our true nature is found. Over the course of our lives our experiences have shaped the way in which we process life - our experiences have influenced our concept of God and His character. Our relationships have created patterns that color the way we see life and how we interact with one other. Only God knows what lies in the darkness. Only by His light of truth and grace can we be healed and freed of the things of life that tie us up and blind us. I find amazing stillness in my spirit when I ask God to enter into the deep, dark places of my soul. I see His holy light of truth exposing things unseen - His holy light bringing new life - His holy light leading and guiding - His holy light healing the deep cuts of life that influence our daily lives. We will remain wounded children of the King if we don't allow Him to enter into our darkness. It is by His Holy light, light that contains all things good and pure, that we may live this life on earth in victory and in the joy that comes from total surrender to the One who is limitless - total dependence upon the One who can handle what He will find in the deep, dark places of our souls.

Abba, please enter the deep recesses of my soul with your light of truth and grace.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Miz Cindy....that's deep. Your writing is thoughtful, and beautiful. You're so inspiring in your transparency and realness. I think of you, Pastor and Olivia often and pray for you as well. I remember your testimony and feel encouraged that God is so very faithful to enter into the deep and dark places of our souls. I recently got accepted to Regent College in Vancouver BC to begin a program in the Masters of Divinity as well as NTS. Please tell Pastor I said thank you for the meant a lot to me. I think I'll be going to Regent simply because its closer to home. Looking forward to what God will reveal to me there. Love you and miss you.