Thursday, May 8, 2008

A Constant State of Prayer

"Without faith no one can please God. Anyone who comes to God must believe that he is real and that he rewards those who truly want to find him." Hebrews 11:6 (NCV)

"I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." Mark 10:15 (NIV)

Before we left Washington I sensed that God was prepping me for what was to come. I remember praying about the decision that we had made to go to Romania as I drove to and from class (Olympia to Tacoma - Tacoma to Olympia). I recall hearing God instruct my spirit to; "Pray like you have never prayed before." I sensed in my heart that God's invitation to Romania was going to be an amazing challenge that could only be accepted standing side by side with Jesus. The invitation read:

"Come, and join me in my work in Romania. ( Join = to become linked or united.) My work is a work in progress. I am fully aware of all that has happened and all that will happen. I am simply asking you to link up with Me, the sovereign God, and follow my lead. I can tell you now that this assignment will require a deepening of your faith and a call to a constant state of prayer. Are you up for it? I am with you, don't be afraid. I will keep you, guide you, and provide all that you will need. Do you trust me? Will you follow me? Come…and join me."

The invitation has become my game plan. The challenge to deepen my faith and the call to a constant state of prayer has been put into practice from the moment I stepped off the plane. Eastern Europe is like nothing I have ever experienced before, yet I have peace and confirmation that God has called me here. The duties of our assignment…we would prefer to be different, but for the health and the future of the church, God has given us a strength that is not ours and a peace that moves us forward. He continues to provide for us, to calm us, and to constantly speak to us. Oh what a companion we have. The most faithful, perfect companion anyone could ever hope for. Oh how I love my Savior. Oh how I bask in the warmth of His presence. Read the following with your hearts open and your minds attentive to the instruction of your Savior:

"Just go step by step. My will shall be revealed as you go. You will never cease to be thankful for this time when you felt at peace and trustful, and yet had no human security. When human support or material help of any kind is removed, then My power can become operative. I cannot teach a man to walk who is trusting to a crutch. Away with your crutch, and My power shall so invigorate you that you shall indeed walk on to victory. Never limit My power. It is limitless." God Calling - February 4th devotion

Abba keep me from limiting the One who is limitless.

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