Thursday, May 1, 2008

Testing 1,2,3

After the week we have had, I am reminded of an experience that I had when we first arrived.

Our First Few Weeks

On Tuesday morning I woke up overwhelmed, I sat on the bed and cried. All I could do was whisper the name of Jesus. I began replaying my past experiences with these feelings and I realized that I was grieving over where I had just come from – the familiar and the predictable - I was at the edge of myself. To be at the edge of myself is exactly where God wants me to be. As I sat on the edge of my bed God’s presence surrounded me and His peace gently cleared away the fog of fear that had surrounded me. He reassured me that He had brought me to this place for His purpose and glory and that He will provide ALL that I will need – He told me that He is ever present, to find rest in Him alone.

The next day in my quiet time God spoke to me through the following:

“When you are told to seek first the Kingdom of God, the first step is to secure that your will is for that Kingdom - A single eye to God’s glory - Desiring nothing less than that His Kingdom come - Seeking in all things the advance of His Kingdom.” God Calling by AJ Russell

So much can distract us as we attempt to grow in faith. The quote above provides such clarity. When I realize that it is God's Kingdom that I seek, and that I am to have my focus on God's glory and purpose for the advancement of His kingdom, circumstances become more clear. My faith in God is tested when opposition is in my face and when I can't see what is coming or how things are going to turn out. All that I know is that I have been given a task. Wanting to comply, I must place the end result in God's hands, trusting that He is the one in control. And of course this is where the rubber meets the road and where my faith is tested. Oh how I want to pass this test! I will only pass the test if I choose to believe completely in God's grace, mercy and sovereignty. Help me Abba in my unbelief…

Prayer Request

Seeking FIRST God's Kingdom - Securing our first step, narrowing our focus for God's glory, desiring nothing less than His Kingdom come, and seeking in all things the advancement of His Kingdom in Romania. May God grant us like minds. May He heal hearts and cast out all fear. May His perfect and pleasing will be done in the lives of all Romanians.

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